He'nan Walle Industry Co., Ltd.

No. 6 Tashan Rd., Xingyang, Zhengzhou, He‘nan
China China
Descripción de la Empresa

Walle industry is an industrial equipment OEM from China, with over 16 years of rich experience and unique knowledge, We help our customers around the world solve a variety of problems from crushing and screening all the way through different materials, we have remained dedicated to our values and to providing material processing solutions that improve the lives of people around the world.

Equipos de Reciclaje Detalles de la Actividad de la Empresa

Tipos de Equipamiento (Plástico)
Tipos de Equipamiento (Papel)
Tipos de Equipamiento (Metal)
Trituradoras y Molinos
Trituradoras Multi Eje, Molinos Pulverizadores tipo Martillo
Úlima Actualización
14 jun. 2022